Further to the article by Michael Grey on our website (“14th Feb 2022″) about a new book published by the Nautical Institute ” Guidelines for the Maritime Expert Witness” (to which 2 BEWA members have contributed), please be advised the following Webinar is going to address the subject with a distinguished panel.
Being the expert in a witness box can be a daunting experience but what is an expert witness, what is really involved and how easy is it to become one?
A hard-hitting NI webinar with panellist input from barristers and solicitors will answer these and many other questions that expert witnesses or those thinking of becoming a maritime expert witness may have. Accompanying the launch of a new NI book on the subject, Guidelines for the Maritime Expert Witness, the webinar debate will provide invaluable assistance and advice to those who are new to giving expert evidence while serving as a timely reminder to seasoned hands.
This experienced panel will be lead by Capt John Noble, FNI who has attended over 60 major casualties and given evidence at about 70 hearings on a global basis. This webinar will be interactive, inviting feedback and questions from attendees and will provide a certificate of participation to all those who attend.